Tanker Loading

Telescopic Bulk Loader
Utilisation of group resources for the R&D of bulk materials handling products has always been one of the strengths of the Tiverton based Rotolok Group. The most recent and exhaustive development is centred on the testing and manufacture of a Telescopic Bulk Loader. In the development programme Rotolok have called on 8 years’ experience from AMD Rotolok, it’s Johannesburg based South African subsidiary, who have supplied Telescopic Bulk Loaders to the Iron & Steel, Cement and Quarrying sectors throughout South Africa and sub Saharan Africa. All the units operate in harsh and sometimes environmentally demanding locations and naturally they meet the need for robustness, durability, ease of service and importantly, control of dust.
The Rotolok designers have incorporated all the attributes of the AMD Rotolok equipment but have also ensured that the unit complies with both, European and USA legislation as well as the requisite operating standards.